A Personalized Learning AI for Every Teacher and Student in the World

Discover how your own Personalized Learning AI (PLAI) can improve experiences and learning outcomes for teachers, students and parents. Use the TopSchool.ai platform for free now!

Personalized Learning AI (PLAI) – a revolution in education

One Student – One Approach

Every student has unique challenges, individual preferences and customized needs. PLAI technology provides personalized tools, content, instruction and support to every student, tailored to their learning requirements.

Easing Pressure on Teachers

A Personalized Learning AI that is configured to act as an all-knowing and ever-patient TA, allowing teachers to rapidly create teaching resources and outputs, based on your curriculum documents and tailored to the individual needs of your students.

Strengthening the Role of Parent

PLAI technology connects parents to their child’s precise education needs and enables them to support the learning at home with ease. The PLAI system knows the curriculum and can produce advice, activities and more to help parents unlock potential.

About Us

We are a team of educators, developers and AI experts committed to bringing cutting-edge technology to solve the biggest challenges in education.


At TopSchool.ai, our mission is to revolutionize education by empowering teachers, students, and parents with personalized learning experiences driven by artificial intelligence…. read more >


At TopSchool.ai, our vision is a future where every student is empowered by their own personalized learning AI, ensuring they reach their full potential in the rapidly-dawning AI-centric world of tomorrow…. read more >

Work with us.

Are you ready to adopt AI into your classroom and looking for a dedicated partner to help you get there and customize to your needs?

Look no further! TopSchool.ai is now accepting teachers, schools and districts for the Pioneer Program. Under this program a select number of participants will be chosen to co-develop tools and systems to help your institution and teaching practice. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to work with AI experts at the forefront of education technology at this new dawn of AI adoption. Imagine having a team of AI developers at your call, listening to your needs and ideas and developing solutions specific to your requirements. Neat, right?

What is Personalized Learning AI (PLAI)?

Discover how AI advancements are shaping the future of education through personalization, smart automation and intelligent tutoring.

Tomorrow’s AI future is uncertain. But what is certain is that every student deserves to be prepared.

AI is here to stay and it is only getting better. When AI systems can perform advanced cognitive processes better than humans what is the role of a 20 year old entering the workforce 10 years from now? These are difficult questions to answer for educators. But what is clear is that must equip our young learners with an AI enabled education to allow them to thrive and compete on the global stage. To join the debate, learn from your peers and discover the latest technologies. Join the our communities.

Transform Your Curriculum Resources into AI Assets

Upload your entire library of school resources to use them with your Personalized Learning AI

Imagine being able to instantly upload 1,000s of documents, spreadsheets, PDFs, images, videos etc. and ask AI to find information, create lesson plans, individualize curriculum requirements to a unique student’s needs, craft engaging projects and assignments and so much more. Welcome to the TopSchool.ai onboarding process. Your whole school, ready for AI in an instant.

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